History Boy Theatre Co tells summer production, auditions

History Boy Theatre Co. will perform the Tony Award-winning musical COMPANY, by Stephen Sondheim, June 12, 13, 14, and also June 19, 20 and 21.  History Boy Theatre Co, a regional professional theatre located in Jefferson, will hold auditions Saturday, March 21, or before by appointment. An optional pre-audition event for a  sneak peek at audition materials will be held Tuesday, March 17, at 7 pm at 115 S. Wilson, Jefferson.  Auditions will be held at same address.

“One’s impossible, two is dreary,three is COMPANY, safe and cheery.” COMPANY is the story of Robert, a single New Yorker among his married friends, weighing the realities of getting married or staying single.
History Boy Theatre Co was recently named the Outstanding Tourism Business in the state by Travel Iowa and the Iowa Travel Federation.  “Seven seasons of sold-out shows have propelled History Boy into the spotlight and this is your chance to become part of a winning team,” director Robbie Pederson said.
Contact Angie at 515-370-4306   for more information or watch www.facebook.com/Historyboytheatrecompany for updates. 

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